Hi there.

You arrived on this page because you were searching for way to read my book for free.

Look, I'm not here to lecture you or judge you. I'm just one human talking to another, trying to let you in on my perspective.  

Many people who download books illegally argue that book pirating is a victimless crime.

It's not.  

I support myself by writing full time. Just like you, I have bills to pay and groceries to buy.  Just like you, I have a family who needs me. Just like you, I can't survive without an income. 

Every free book downloaded steals food directly off my table.  

My books generally cost between $4.99-6.99. I frequently hold 99¢ sales and give away many free copies to reviewers and readers. Anyone is eligible to sign up for a free copy in exchange for an honest review, via my ARC Reader program.  (Check out my reader group for details.)

If, for some reason, you can't wait for a sale or sign up for a legitimate free copy, I'm asking you for a favor. PLEASE:  email me. I will send you a copy, no questions asked.

In return, all I ask is that you leave an honest review when you finish reading. 

Trust me, I would much rather donate a copy to you directly than have you download an outdated, illegal copy from an online pirate on a sketchy torrent site that, in all likelihood is going to infect your computer with a porny virus. 



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